Hermes in the sky

This latest Evening under Lamplight brings you an extended programme, featuring the trickster god Hermes (or Mercury – tricksters go by many names), and helping you find your own Hermes Moment – that time when you met Hermes, bringing you some message from above, leading you down into your own depths at a moment of confusion or indecision, and bringing you good fortune in ways you would never have expected. There’s a wide variety of music, and two stories, and some poetry, and still we haven’t covered everything. So watch out for another Hermes programme sometime down the line. — RLA

3 Responses to “Evening under Lamplight: Hermes/Mercury Moment”

  1. Jan-Ellen says:

    How beautiful the melodies; the violin intro (seamless perfection), Hermes playing the pipes in Grass Flute, and of course, John Lennon’s Mind Games.

    “I Went to Sleep.” I was brought to tears by the lament in tender lyrics and divinity in the phrasing and the soloist’s voice.

    Hermes let out a fart! Ha! Beans!

    I was lost in the colors, textures, humor, sensibilities, and moral insensibilities woven into the tapestry of your magical voice in Evening under Lamplight.

    Thank-you for reviving the lost art of story telling with such intent, grace, and reverence for the great ones of myth, philosophy, poetry, and song.

    And as if it could not get any better it certainly did! “The Poor Thing.” Loved the tale and your Scottish accent. “A shoe of a horse will do. And a rusty one at that!”

    I’ll remember this when I go shopping this weekend for a chest of drawers.

  2. rla says:

    A chest of drawers – but it not rusty, let’s hope. I don’t suppose there’s much chance of rust in Arizona, though.

  3. Jan-Ellen says:

    It’s raining here in Arizona! Small drops of humidity disguised as rain. This is worse than Florida.

    Anyway, I suppose I need to stop being so picky about things. There will be nobility in the simplest of furniture. A shoe box?

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