Kersting, Man Reading by Lamplight

We wander around the theme of wandering this time, bringing light to this aimless activity we all share in, a light that shows the power that lies in doing something for no good reason at all. Thoreau comes into it. And there’s some exotic music: Chinese pipa, klezmer, Paganini, Irish harp. Also one of the earliest recorded Dylan songs, and Kinks on living on the road and RLS on Walking Tours. On our wander, we also meet Walter Scott, Coleridge, the Old English Wanderer, yes, Dion and the Belmonts, Jr Walker and the All Stars, and lots more. And we finish, as we often do, with Leonard Cohen.

3 Responses to “Evening under Lamplight 47: Wandering”

  1. Emily says:

    A yes… He’s just some Joseph looking for a manger…
    Ah Yes…. the Sister of Mercy….or the wanderer, herself!
    yet again.

  2. Richard says:

    An excellent wandering presentation from RLA, whi, like the walker, is always attentive to what is interesting and unexpected on the route

  3. rla says:

    Yes, Richard, but stumbling too – I don’t think I mentioned that as an essential element of wandering!

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