You’re invited to attend to GAMBLING – playing your hand, placing your bets, bluffing, of course, and tossing the dice. Rambling gamblers are here, and that knavish Jack of Hearts, and a special look into the *aleatory* aspects of life. The show was a lot of fun to do, and my gamble is that it will also be a lot of fun to listen to. Wanna bet on it?

One Response to “Evening under Lamplight 77: Gambling”

  1. Richard says:

    another fascinating selection of songs linked by thoughtful conversation. When I saw heard that “Rambling, Gambling Willie” was going to be the Dylan song I was slightly disappointed–then “Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts” came along anyway (which was the one I expected): a superb song of constant invention and changing perspectives. Interesting to hear Mary Beard’s ideas on aleatory cuture.

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