Pan: "sunshiny, lewd, and cruel"

Lamplight 79.2 [Click this link rather than the links above, please.] We’re attending to the energy of Pan, which springs up to us through the music of his pipes, bringing the Spring energy of kindness and anger. We look at Wind in the Willows and RLS’s essay on “Pan’s Pipes”, and we hear a selection of Pan music played, some of the time, on the pan-pipes themselves.

One Response to “Evening under Lamplight 79: Pan’s Pipes”

  1. Steve Reese says:

    This has been my favorite Evening. I listened from my office where I could look out and see the bright, red (angry?) blooms on the pomegranate tree. And I was able to identify with all those different kinds of anger and recognize them in me.

    What a beautifully accurate description of the Green Man!
    “The archetype of the power of nature to always be springing up anew – coming to us in sudden revelations – overturning all of our human and technological pride with some more elemental force.”

    I loved the interspersed pan pipes in Pan’s Pipes.

    Thank you!

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