Lamplight 91: Jurgen, I and this mystery

Jurgen in search of Justice

Jurgen in search of Justice

We look at James Branch Cabell’s hero Jurgen, seeking Justice to reconcile human dreams with the bare facts of reality, and continue with Whitman’s “Song of Myself”, and the mystery of the “procreant urge” that keeps the world alive.

Jurgen compromsing with reality

Jurgen compromsing with reality

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2 Responses to “Evening under Lamplight 91: Jurgen and Justice, “I and this mystery””

  1. Evening Under Lamplight is just one of a number of locally produced shows broadcast on Cambridge 105. Listen this week for live coverage of the Cambridge Rock Festival.

  2. richard dury says:

    A most enjoyable evening conversation with readings. I was pleased to learn more about Branch Cable and hear Whitman’s lines and an intelligent and good-humoured commentary on them

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