Who are we? How do we (1) live in our real self and (2) express this self through our actions – through the acts we put on as we work and play through our lives? Big questions, but we attempt to attend to them, with the help of Ray Davies (pictured, putting on his act) and the Kinks, Randy Newman, the Beatles (featuring Sir Ringo Starr), and Bob Dylan. You are invited to attend. (First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.) [To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]



2 Responses to “Evening under Lamplight 179: “To be yourself you have to put on an act””

  1. Patricia Maguire says:

    REFRESHING conversations & music!!

  2. rla says:

    Thank you – it’s a pleasure to be refreshing! More to come, of course.

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