We attend to a mixture of songs, mostly light and (somewhat) cheerful. There’s also an absurd fable thrown in for good measure. You are invited to attend.

rla on August 13th, 2020

We attend to Fear, with images and stories from Montaigne, Andre Dubus, and Dante, and a wide assortment of music. You are invited to attend.

[First heard, slightly abridged, on Cambridge 105 Radio.]

rla on July 9th, 2020

We attend to idleness, idling, idlers of various sorts – those who wish to get away from the noise and rush and stupidity of life around them, and those who wish to retreat from busy-ness to find more within. Readings from Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Stevenson, Montaigne, and music from Kinks, Harry Lauder, Pink Martini, Harry McClintock, Beatles, Chuck Berry, Otis Redding. You are invited to attend; listen in.

(Originally broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio)

rla on June 12th, 2020

We attend to Masks — not those to quell the spread of infection, but those that disguise us, enable us, oppress us. We hear from Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Maya Angelou, Lewis Carroll, James Thurber, plus an assortment of musical interludes. You are invited to attend.

[As heard first, in a slightly abridged version, on Cambridge 105 Radio.]

This episode is a collection of helpful thoughts and insights into what it means to be patient, and to have the courage to accept and love the world even when being clearly aware of all the pain and the evil in the world, and to have the hope that allows us to hold on to the larger meaningfulness of life even when (or especially when) things seem hopeless. “If you sing the blues, you don’t suffer the blues,” Cornel West tells us, and we let Edgar Allan Poe sing us the blues in one of his great stories. You are invited to attend.

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio.)

We pick up on Walt Whitman’s line, “With the twirl of my tongue I encompass worlds and volumes of worlds”, and attend to tongue twisters, lies, truths, poetic truths, mythic truths, and more. You are invited to attend.

(As heard on Cambridge 105 Radio.)

“But I would not feel so all alone / Everybody must get stoned”

“But I would not feel so all alone / Everybody must get stoned”, sings Dylan, and we take up that thought and attend to the ways it can adjust our outlook, bringing us all together in the inevitable adversity that is part of our humanity, consoling ourselves and reaching out to console others, with music by Dylan, Frederick Knight, The Four Tops, Solomon Burke, Ernest Bloch, the Kinks, and some comforting words from Stephen Levine, ending with a miraculous Holocaust story. You are invited to attend.

(As heard first on Cambridge 105 Radio.)

rla on February 13th, 2020

Poor boy, rich girl / rich boy, poor girl: can they get together? Only Stevie Wonder seems to hold out any hope, but lots of others see the dramatic potential in this situation. We attend to some of these wee dramas, and you are invited to attend also.

(As heard first on Cambridge 105 Radio.)

rla on January 9th, 2020

We attend to the Janus myth in this his month of January, as we stand (as we always do) on the threshold between past and future, looking from this still point of the turning world at what has been and what might be. With lots of songs of various kinds interspersed. You are invited to attend.

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio)

rla on December 12th, 2019

We attend to the way they give gifts in the myths, and today: gifts as token of esteem, gifts as bribes, gifts as expressions of generosity, with a variety of musical accompaniment. You are invited to attend.

Giving a hand

(As heard on Cambridge 105 Radio.)