Two stories to attend to in this episode, first the story of Ehud, the left-handed trickster, and second Jan, a selfish man who thinks he can trick the natural forces of the world for his own worldly benefit. I think you’ll find both stories worth attending to – and you are invited to attend.
(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)
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A succession of songs from the archives – songs you might know, and songs you might not know – but all songs you are invited to attend to, plus a little fable by George Ade (Who? – you’ll see.)
(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)
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We attend to the story of Little Red Riding Hood, with a short version of the story in Scots, and some outrageous songs, and some paradoxical insights into this story about leaving home, moving through beauty to healing and new life. See what it’s all about. You’re invited to attend.
(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)
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Do you need help? How do you ask for it? Am I the best one to help you? And if so, how should I help you? All this and more, with lots of music and a wonderful passage from Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath, and you are invited to attend!
(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)
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We attend to the myth of Narcissus, who never knew how beautiful he was until he saw that image, from deep within him, via the sacred pool, and was able finally to allow his beauty to blossom. A different take on an old myth. You are invited to attend.
(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)
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We attend to the topic of Games: the rules we play by, the sport of play for its own sake. We look at the game of Chivalry (and its decay), and, as we proceed, we include a series of jokes, and several good stories. You’ll want to attend; in fact, you’re invited to attend.
(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)
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Valentine’s Day special edition, featuring song after song, from Dylan to the Beatles to Dr Hook, to Motown and country and jazz and the Sound of Philadelphia, ending with the Reverend Solomon Burke (“Watch him work!”), connecting the love songs with a more universal theme of repentance and fresh starts. You are invited to attend.
(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)
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If your true self is expressing itself through the act you are putting on, how do I move through that act so I can reach out and touch you yourself? (And do I really want to?) All this and more on the latest episode, with a variety of songs that open themselves out to illustrate what we’re saying. You are invited to attend. (First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.) [To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here:]
We continue playing with the paradox from the Kinks song “Artificial Light”: “To be yourself you have to put on an act.” We spend time looking at the different acts people put on in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night – some of them successfully showing the true self, some of them not, getting side-tracked with three songs about woeful lovers (Lee Andrew and the Hearts, Ruben and the Jets, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles). Also featuring discussions of Richard III and a short excursion into Jane Austen’s Emma. You are invited to attend. (First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.) [To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here:]
Who are we? How do we (1) live in our real self and (2) express this self through our actions – through the acts we put on as we work and play through our lives? Big questions, but we attempt to attend to them, with the help of Ray Davies (pictured, putting on his act) and the Kinks, Randy Newman, the Beatles (featuring Sir Ringo Starr), and Bob Dylan. You are invited to attend. (First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.) [To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here:]