rla on September 14th, 2018

Series 6 opens by attending to the epic hero Aeneas, as he contends with loss, exile, storms, exhaustion, and the hatred of the Juno, Queen of the gods. We come upon him as he recognises the deep sadness in the human condition, a Roman version of the Japanese “mono no aware” we attended to last time. You are invited to attend, too.

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)

[To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]

As heard on Cambridge 105 Radio, we play with the Japanese concept of “mono no aware”, those intense feelings of sadness and beauty that arise as we attend to the impermanence of things. So some thoughts about loss and acceptance and beauty, with poetry from Emily Dickinson, and music from Jefferson Airplane, Fairport Convention, Kinks, Dylan, and others. You are invited to attend.

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)

[To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]

rla on August 16th, 2018

We attend to the story of Jonah – both the simplistic version of the story, as it is often presented, and the much more complex, playful, and significant version, a satire against ego-driven hatred of our enemies. And don’t miss the wonderful songs that intersperse the discussion. You are invited to attend.

Michelangelo’s Jonah

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)

[To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]

How do we understand all those people who seem to surrender their minds and their individuality in blindly following an empty, and destructive, political movement? Dante gives us a powerful mythic image of these people in an early episode in the Inferno. We attend to that episode, and more, with musical interludes, and you are invited to attend.

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)

[To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]

rla on July 19th, 2018

We attend to the second batch of songs from Dylan’s album Oh Mercy, plus two outtakes, songs that resonate with our broken political world, and with all the questions we keep asking ourselves about what’s going on. You are invited to attend.

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)

[To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]

How do we celebrate July 4th this year? The Declaration of Independence, The Stars and Stripes Forever, and then Randy Newman with a response to it all. Then we go through the first half of Dylan’s album Oh Mercy – songs fitting for this political world where everything is broken, where teardrops fall, where we summon up the strength to ring them bells for all of us who are left, as we try to continue clear focused all around – most of the time. You are invited to attend.

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)

[To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]

Bartolomeus Spranger, Salmacis and Hermaphroditus

“She was inflamed by the sight of his beautiful body … he knew nothing about love … she prayed that they would always stay together … and she got her prayer – but not in the way she’d expected.” Come with us as we attend to the myth of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, with an all-Motown musical accompaniment (including probably the only song ever written about wallpaper!). You are invited to attend.

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)

[To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]

Arethusa pursued by Alpheus

We attend to the myth of Arethusa, the water nymph who transformed into a river goddess, a story of male aggression, escape from male aggression, and the passage from adolescence into serene, self-possessed maturity. See what you think. Some good music too. You’re invited to attend.

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)

[To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]

Ehud, his dagger in his left hand, blowing the trumpet to call his troops (not quite the way it happens in the story)

Two stories to attend to in this episode, first the story of Ehud, the left-handed trickster, and second Jan, a selfish man who thinks he can trick the natural forces of the world for his own worldly benefit. I think you’ll find both stories worth attending to – and you are invited to attend.

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)

[To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]

rla on May 11th, 2018

A succession of songs from the archives – songs you might know, and songs you might not know – but all songs you are invited to attend to, plus a little fable by George Ade (Who? – you’ll see.)

Look What They’ve Done to My Song // I’m Back in Town

(First broadcast on Cambridge 105 Radio, the commercially-funded community broadcaster for the city and South Cambridgeshire.)

[To receive regular feeds of each show, sign up here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MomentsUnderLamplight]