rla on July 2nd, 2012

[To hear the Fire episode, click the icon above with the arrow rather than the “play in new window” or “download” buttons. I don’t know why the page is behaving awkwardly this month. Thanks for your patience.]

We celebrate Summer Fire on this month’s Evening under Lamplight, with songs and readings about real fires and passionate fires and divine fire. We can throw out only a few sparks from this huge subject, but that may be enough to ignite something within you, so take up your invitation to attend to the latest show, with our usual Dylan, Kinks, and RLS, here describing Monterey forest fires, plus Gina Barecca, Randy Newman, the Doors, the Rolling Stones, Al Green, Leonard Cohen, and, of course, Dante – not the Inferno but the Purgatorio. Oh, and also the Summer Meditation from Journey through the Seasons.

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rla on June 8th, 2012

As part of Cambridge 105’s Diamond Jubilee Marathon, Evening under Lamplight invites you to attend our two-hour special on the subject of Diamonds: gemstones, metaphors, playing cards; Dylan, Baez, Tom Waits, T-Bone Burnett, Waylon Jennings, and many more.

rla on May 7th, 2012

We invite you to attend to Hermes, or Mercury, the trickster god, but we also see him crossing boundaries, over the edge, earthing and unearthing, and leading us through dreams to the Otherworld “where the time and the tempo fly”. Poems by Emily Dickinson, Robert Graves, and Karen Yelena Olsen, tribute to Levon Helm and mazeltov to Jim Steinman. And, as always, the Kinks, Dylan, and RLS.

Hermes Logios

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rla on April 9th, 2012

Pan: "sunshiny, lewd, and cruel"

Lamplight 79.2 [Click this link rather than the links above, please.] We’re attending to the energy of Pan, which springs up to us through the music of his pipes, bringing the Spring energy of kindness and anger. We look at Wind in the Willows and RLS’s essay on “Pan’s Pipes”, and we hear a selection of Pan music played, some of the time, on the pan-pipes themselves.

rla on March 13th, 2012

We invite you to come attend to Eyes with . We have music from Dr Hook, Billie Holiday, Faye Kellerstein, the Lovin’ Spoonful, Taj Mahal, the Kinks, Dylan and Miriam Makeba, and readings from Raymond Chander, William McGonnagall and RLS. But come see with your own eyes.

rla on February 27th, 2012

You’re invited to attend to GAMBLING – playing your hand, placing your bets, bluffing, of course, and tossing the dice. Rambling gamblers are here, and that knavish Jack of Hearts, and a special look into the *aleatory* aspects of life. The show was a lot of fun to do, and my gamble is that it will also be a lot of fun to listen to. Wanna bet on it?

rla on January 30th, 2012

We invite you to Come Dancing, as we attend to various aspects of dancing – at the pally, with Henry, with swaying skirt, without clothes, on Shabbat, with an Amazing Dancing Bear, and, of course, to the end of Love.

rla on January 2nd, 2012

Dante and Virgil stuck before the Gates of Dis

Are you feeling a bit stuck here at the beginning of the New Year? Lift yourself out of the doldrums with this episode of Evening under Lamplight as we explore different ways we might be stuck and the ways we might free ourselves, getting unstuck. We look for guidance to Dante’s myth of the Inferno, where he is stuck before the Gates of Dis, in danger of being paralysed by Medusa, waiting for the Messo da ciel, the one sent from heaven, to help him move on – and to move us on as we embark on new year adventures.

rla on December 7th, 2011

Why not give a gift of Evening under Lamplight – to you and those dear to you? All it takes is a click to listen to the show, which this month looks at different aspects of gifts: in Homer, in Irish fairy woods, on Broadway, from Spain, and, yes, at Christmas time too, though there’s something perverse about our Christmas gift songs. You are invited to attend to what’s on offer.

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rla on November 7th, 2011

We are attending to the Autumn Energy of Departure: life seems to diminish, and calls us to depart on a new journey, first into darkness, and then springing into new life. But first, the Calling out of the Wasteland, and the testing to see if we are really ready for this journey. It’s threatening only to the ego.  So let’s look at some Wastelands, some methods of Calling and being Tested.

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