Incredible String Band

First we attend to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, and their songs celebrating self-pity. Then there are the Incredible String Band’s energy projections wishing you well, and the usual wisdom from Walt Whitman, about soul-body connection, being a hero at work, sympathy or the devil, walking around “pocketless of a dime”, and much more. Guest appearances from Robert Louis Stevenson, Alexander Pope, Ram Dass, and more. You are invited to attend. (Heard first on Cambridge 105.)

rla on January 27th, 2016

Firesign TheatreThough disrupted by a sniffly, coldy voice, RLA substitutes for his intended show this triad of three relatively long pieces this week: Carnival of the Animals, with comic verses by Ogden Nash, spoken by Noel Coward; the Firesign Theater’s “Waiting for the Electrician or Someone Like Him”; and an alternate version of “Desolation Row”. You’re invited to attend.

rla on February 11th, 2015

Lamplight 105: Outcasts

No one wants a fellow with a social disease.

We look at Outcasts, all invited to Walt Whitman’s “meal pleasantly set”: “I will not have a single person slighted or left away.” There’s Officer Krupke for comic relief before a disturbing exerpt from Asena, a one-woman play about sex-trafficking, and another Coleman Barks story from Rumi, ending with Leonard Cohen being a disgraceful outcast whom we must not pass by. You’re invited to attend.

Asena, Round Church, Cambridge, 19 February, 7.30

rla on July 22nd, 2011

We celebrate the first birthday of Cambridge105, and of the second series of Evening under Lamplight – with a triptich of songs about Parties. Are you from Philadelphia? Then you’re especially invited. And there’s  Alice at the Mad  Tea Party, and some reflective looking back and looking forward hoping we all stay forever young.