rla on December 17th, 2014

Lamplight 101 It gets darker, but the light is coming. We can wait in line hoping that it can’t happen here, “all I have, and all I know is this dream of you, which keeps me living on”, waiting for the clouds to rain down righteousness in the holy hour of candle-lighting, “And these one and all tend inward to me, and I tend outward to them.” All this and more in this Advent/Solstice episode.

rla on December 7th, 2011

Why not give a gift of Evening under Lamplight – to you and those dear to you? All it takes is a click to listen to the show, which this month looks at different aspects of gifts: in Homer, in Irish fairy woods, on Broadway, from Spain, and, yes, at Christmas time too, though there’s something perverse about our Christmas gift songs. You are invited to attend to what’s on offer.