rla on May 7th, 2012

We invite you to attend to Hermes, or Mercury, the trickster god, but we also see him crossing boundaries, over the edge, earthing and unearthing, and leading us through dreams to the Otherworld “where the time and the tempo fly”. Poems by Emily Dickinson, Robert Graves, and Karen Yelena Olsen, tribute to Levon Helm and mazeltov to Jim Steinman. And, as always, the Kinks, Dylan, and RLS.

Hermes Logios

We celebrate the two energies of Springtime: Anger and Kindness, with the help of Dante and Shakespeare, and our usual panel of Dylan, the Kinks and RLS. Anger leading to self-knowledge and even to kindness – there’s an idea you don’t hear every day. Aha, but it’s a new way of looking at things, just what you expect from Evening under Lamplight!

Including RLA’s Spring meditation from Journey through the Seasons: Meditations on the Five Chinese Healing Energies.

Dante: Inferno (Penguin Classics)

The Tempest (Penguin Popular Classics)

Highway 61 Revisited (Bob Dylan “Like a Rolling Stone”)

Phobia (Kinks, “Hatred”)

In Concert – the Complete 1967 Anaheim Show (Donovan, “Lullaby for Spring)